Stories of impact

A Journey of Hope and Resilience: Kervens’ Story

In the heart of Haiti, in our transition home, lives a young man named Kervens. At 21 years old, Kervens is the epitome of kindness and resilience, his soft-spoken nature masking a spirit of determination that has inspired all who have met him. Kervens' journey has...

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Stepping Into the Moment

Our co-founder, Roger Braswell has published his first book.  The official release date is September 29th, 2022.  Within a few hours, it was already tagged on Amazon as a best seller.  All proceeds from the book are going to Give Hope Global.  Order your copy by...

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A Heart of Gratitude for Teachers- By Lynsey Waddle

A Heart of Gratitude for Teachers- By Lynsey Waddle

National Teacher’s Appreciation Day comes around every May and is an opportunity to show our children’s teachers how much we appreciate them. We may send them flowers or a special note of thanks but can gifts or words ever really express our gratitude for what they have done for our children?

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Change of Plans – Dr. Lillian Ferdinands

Change of Plans – Dr. Lillian Ferdinands

There are few things more rewarding in life than to give the gift of laugher, excitement, and pure joy to children as they play on a playground that none of them could have imagined they would ever see. Our recent travel team to Ghana had that experience; and the reward was indescribable.

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Ghana Playground Project – John Watson

Ghana Playground Project – John Watson

There are few things more rewarding in life than to give the gift of laugher, excitement, and pure joy to children as they play on a playground that none of them could have imagined they would ever see. Our recent travel team to Ghana had that experience; and the reward was indescribable.

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Beautifully Wrecked – Deanna Reed

Beautifully Wrecked – Deanna Reed

It has taken me awhile to come up with words to explain how BEAUTIFULLY “wrecked” my heart has been since taking a trip to Haiti. Upon re-entering life in the States, the reflection of my trip became so overwhelming that I held back from sharing at first. It felt as...

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Part Of Our Hearts Are In Haiti – Susan Good

Part Of Our Hearts Are In Haiti – Susan Good

Little did I know when my son joined a new baseball team, it would be the beginning of a journey in my life as well. Michelle Cherikos’ son was also on the team. I was so intrigued listening to her stories about her amazing mission trips with Give Hope and the...

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I Fell in Love the Moment I Met Her – Morgan Satterfield

I Fell in Love the Moment I Met Her – Morgan Satterfield

From the moment my dad and stepmom, David and Lisa Satterfield, got back from their first trip to Haiti a few years ago, I wanted to go as well. Listening to them talk about the three children they sponsor, Sandley, Togo, and Roudeline, and hearing about...

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Real Connections – John Marlowe

Real Connections – John Marlowe

  I met Jameson in January 2011 on my first trip when I was a PA student. My memories of that trip are hazy. It was overwhelming in many ways—my first time to a developing country, my first mission trip, still a student doing medical work, seeing all these sweet...

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A Picture’s Impact – Will Caldwell

A Picture’s Impact – Will Caldwell

I returned from Haiti two days ago, having spent time with Roger and Angela visiting four orphanages cared for by ESMI and Give Hope Global. We went ahead of a very capable team currently in country. A subset of that team is focusing on the medical issues...

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October 2016 Team Update

October 2016 Team Update

The Give Hope advance team (Angela Quinn, Dr Will Caldwell and Roger Braswell) arrived at Cambry on Thursday afternoon and witnessed the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew first hand. We remain stunned by what we witnessed. Dozens of beautiful trees down all across...

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Letter from Roger Braswell

Dear friends, Many of you know that my family and I have been working in SW Haiti since January of 2011.  During that time we have formed a 501(c)3 charity called Give Hope Global and partnered with a Haitian based ministry called El Shaddai Ministries Int’l (ESMI,...

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