Give Hope Global is involved in various initiatives in Ghana and SW Haiti which are aimed at realizing the organization’s vision:
To see the people we serve become able to serve others, both physically and spiritually.

Basic Care
Through our partnership with El Shaddai Ministries International (ESMI), Give Hope provides for the basic needs of over 150 young people near the town of Les Cayes. We focus on meeting the physical needs of these students by providing food, clean water, housing, medical care and other basic necessities. Give Hope and ESMI invest in their future by enrolling them in local schools.

Medical Care
Working with the Ghanaian Department of Health, Give Hope provides equipment and training aimed to improve the infant mortality rate in the Kwahu District of the Eastern Region of Ghana. Travel teams have included Physicians, PAs, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners who provided instruction to Ghanaian medical professionals and conducted screenings of students from local schools. Give Hope has secured and delivered medical equipment such as ultrasound machines and other critical tools and supplies to clinics and hospitals there. Dr. William Flannery and Dr. Lillian Fredinands serve as Directors of Give Hope Global in the roles of Co-Medical Directors.

Educational Advancement
The Educational Advancement component of our ministry seeks to move the young people we serve towards employability in their local economy. We provide quality education through primary and secondary schools for grades kindergarten through high school. In Ghana, our educational efforts center around Sowers Academy, a K-9 Christian school in Medie, near Accra. Through Shop Hope Global ( we generate funds to support university tuition for students in Haiti, Ghana, Dominican Republic and the USA.

Leadership Development
Give Hope identifies young leaders who demonstrate the ability to encourage and influence others toward building a better life. We develop opportunities for these young leaders to work paying jobs and learn as apprentices in the context of Give Hope initiatives in Haiti and Ghana. In Ghana, we’re also developing leaders for the local church through pastoral development programs at our initiative called The Grace Bible Institute.

IMpact Teams
Give Hope teams travel to Ghana throughout the year to support our initiatives and help carry out major projects. Teams have helped build playgrounds, make and repair furnishings for the schools, launch libraries and STEM labs, and complete training and many other projects that are blessings to the community. Moreover, participants have a chance to lay the foundation for meaningful relationships with the people they meet, whether with a student, a teacher, pastor or community health worker.