The Give Hope Cup- Roger Braswell

The Give Hope Cup- Roger Braswell

  January 2014 Our 31 person Give Hope team just returned from a great week in Haiti. I am bursting to tell the story below…. Coach Mike Czarnecki makes a living coaching youth soccer in Charlotte and volunteers for the January trip to Cambry, his first trip...
October 2013 Mission

October 2013 Mission

Four weeks ago our Give Hope October ’13 team returned from Haiti after an amazing week of serving in Cambry. Eighteen of us lived and worked together and came back changed by the experience. I thought I should provide an update on our progress for all of you who...
Go time…

Go time…

Under 20 hours and counting…..I thought it might be helpful if I provided a short bit of information on our team and our objectives as we move toward launch in the morning… Angela Quinn – Give Hope Co-Founder/Board Member and original instigator of our family’s...
Diagnosis: Starvation

Diagnosis: Starvation

Afternoon meal…rice and beans…mostly rice with a few beans…in fact, so few that you could easily count them. The stuff doesn’t look very appetizing when served out of a five gallon paint bucket into a frisbee for a plate and eaten with dirty hands. At least it didn’t...